Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Baby break

For those of you who read the blog on a regular basis, you may have noticed that the frequency of the posts has dropped over the last number of months. Well, there has been a really good reason for this - Couva HQ is expecting the arrival of a new baby!

It's been a rather difficult pregnancy (to say the least!), so I've decided to take a little break from the coffee world for a few weeks. 
While the Holiday Season is not the best time for any small business to take a break, at this time, I really feel that family needs to come first. 
I'll still be writing the blog, pinning lots of fun things on Pinterest (www.pinterest.com/couvacc/), and posting the odd thing of Facebook (www.facebook.com/CouvaCoffeeCouture?ref=hl), but I wanted to let you know in case you were wondering why everything got a little bit quiet lately! 

That said, I have lots of great plans for 2015 - watch this space for lots of exciting things in the New Year! To all of our loyal followers, thank you for your understanding!