Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Reflecting on 2012 and looking ahead to 2013...

I cannot be happier with what Couva has accomplished in  2012.  Growing from an idea for a birthday gift for my dad, to something I made occasionally as gifts for friends, to a product that I'm now selling in stores across the UK, I am so proud of how far its come.

For each small accomplishment, there has been a LOT of hard work behind it. I've learned an incredible amount in a short space of time. Having a background in psychology hasn't exactly been the best preparation for launching a business manufacturing consumer products!
During that learning process, I've turned to others for advice and guidance, and have been fortunate to meet some incredibly knowledgeable people and am eternally grateful to them.To name a few, Alex & DJ at Family (and friends) were instrumental in developing the logo and branding for Couva, as well as the packaging concepts (www.familyandfriends.uk.com). Their enthusiasm and patience has always energised me and kept the momentum moving forwards - you guys are amazing! Anyone looking for some incredible designers - look no further!
I also have to say a big thanks to Akbal at KKWear (www.kkwear.co.uk). You've always gone above and beyond to ensure I had things on time and to specification - thankyou! I also have to say a big thanks to StartUp Britain and Emma Jones. The Startup Saturday event that I attended really gave me the "oomph" to get moving and gave me some great contacts and ideas (www.startupbritain.co).

While I still have a lot to learn, I can honestly say that I'm so excited to see where Couva will go in the coming years. I've got so many ideas that I'm finding it hard not to try to get started on them all at once!
With the new year upon us, I'm eager to continue the learning process, expanding my product range, and expanding distribution.
2012 seemed to be the year of the "Keep calm..." message, and I think I'll take my own version into 2013:


Happy holidays from Couva! 

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

New use for a cafétière

I discovered something really great today, and I just HAVE to share it. 

Who knew that a cafétière can be used to froth milk?! Its super easy to do and the results are fab. 

Step 1. Pour milk into your cafétière about 1/4 of the way up (obviously this will depend on how much frothy milk you want, but this is a rough guide).

Step 2. Heat the milk in the microwave for about 60 seconds.
 (*If you're cafétière has any metal components DO NOT put it in the microwave! Heat the milk separately and then transfer to the cafétière.)
You will get more froth if you use skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, but if you prefer a richer flavour to your frothy coffee, you'll want to use some whole milk.

Step 3. Put the lid with the plunger on the cafétière  Move the plunger up and down quickly, in and out of the milk (Go slowly until you get the hang of this - you don't want to be squirting milk all over the place!). Keep doing this for about 45-60 seconds. You'll notice that the milk will start foaming, but it will still be quite liquid.

Leave the frothed milk for about a minute to settle down - this lets the foam rise up to the top.
It's the perfect  amount of time to pour your coffee into your favourite cup, sweeten it to taste, and to get any "sprinkles" ready (chocolate, cinnamon, or otherwise) that you might want to add on top.

Step 4. Gently pull the plunger lid out of the cafétière  You'll see the foam collected on the mesh, as well as sitting on the top of the liquid milk. If you are going to pour some of the warm milk into your coffee, you can use a spoon to hold back some of the foam. You can then scoop up the lovely frothiness onto your coffee, and enjoy!

I found this great video on You Tube that shows exactly how easy it is, if the 4 easy steps didn't convince you!


(And thanks to rogerxps550 for making such a simple video!)

Monday, 19 November 2012

Objets d'Amour

Couva is now pleased to be available online through a new online boutique "Objets d'Amour" (http://www.objetsdamour.co.uk/).

Bringing together a collection of beautiful range of lovely gift items, this site feels more like a specialty gift boutique than an online store. Ok, I might be a little biased (with a gorgeous "English Rose" Couva adorning the home page), but in all honesty, the product range is exquisite. I know where I'll be doing some of my Christmas shopping!

Image copyright: Objets D'Amour

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Stop by for a visit...Couva is now on Facebook!

We finally have a home on Facebook!

Please come by for a visit and see our lovely products. Small, medium, large, stripey, spotty, flowery - we've got a Couva to suit everyone's style!

Hope to see you soon!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Now in stores across the UK!

After years and years of dreaming of bringing Couva to the masses, 
they are finally in stores!! 

I am so excited to say that Couva is being stocked at the following stores across the UK: 

Annabel's Luxury English Gifts, Chislehurst, Kent 

Worldly, Wicked & Wise, London



Clementine Home & Gifts, Edinburgh

Lysaght Gallery, Howth, Co. Dublin

Plus some other lovely online retailers very shortly!! 

Until our own e-shop is ready to accept orders on www.couva.co.uk, we are happy to fulfil requests and enquiries at info@couva.co.uk
Couva Coffee Couture - Oxford, United Kingdom

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Couva in the media

A few months ago, I attended a fantastic event for budding entrepreneurs. Start-Up Saturday is a one-day business course for those looking to start their own business. Each month, the wonderfully enthusiastic Emma Jones covers the basics of what it takes to turn an idea into a successful business. 

By the end of the day, you'll learn about: 

  • researching the market
  • how to write a business plane
  • the basics of using social media to your business's advantage
  • marketing strategies
  • and many other really useful things. 

I met a number of really great people, all with terrific business ideas, and I left feeling utterly inspired and energised about the prospect of being my own boss. Not bad for £30!! 

Information about registering is found at www.enterprisenation.com/events/startup-saturday-2012

StartUp Saturday
Shortly after attending, I was contacted by one of Emma's colleagues who was interested in the Couva story. They have included Couva in a story about starting a business in Britain. 

Take a look! 

Monday, 15 October 2012

How to make great cafétière coffee... the Couva way!!

Coffee lovers seem to be eternally searching for that perfect cup of coffee. There are many factors that need to be considered in the brewing process that will optimise the goodness of your brew:  
  • brewing method, 
  •  the roast and grind of coffee beans,  
  • the ratio of coffee to water,    
  • water temperature,  
  •  the brewing time, and
  • heat retention
I’ll be writing more about each of these in the coming weeks, but what I really want to focus on now is the cafétière brewing method (for obvious reasons!).  

(For those of you who just want the steps for great coffee, skip to the bottom of this posting!)

 How do you brew?
Many experts would argue that the cafétière is best way to brew coffee. Unlike other methods, it allows for greater extraction of all the flavours and oils, and you have greater control of the water temperature. When you’re talking coffee, temperature of the water is key.
You want to make sure that your cafétière is clean – make sure that there are no left-over grounds hiding anywhere (like between the layers of the plunger!). This can lead to a build-up of coffee oil residue which can give your coffee a bitter and rancid flavour… and no one wants that!

Most plungers come apart by unscrewing them so that you can wash each part separately.

The Roast and Grind
How your coffee tastes depends on where the beans are grown, how they are roasted and how coarse they have been ground.  One of the best things about coffee is how many different places coffee is grown and how these growing conditions effect the flavour of the beans.
 I would encourage you to step-outside of your comfort zone and experiment with trying different growing regions, different roasts, and different blends of coffee. For example, there is an incredibly delicious Cost Rican coffee made by Brit (www.cafebritt.com) that is grown on the slopes of the Poas Volcano. Thanks to the growing climate, the coffee has a wonderful earthy quality as result of the minerals in the soil.
When grinding beans for use in a cafétière, you want to ensure that your beans are a slightly coarse grind. The coarse grind allows just the right amount of coffee to be extracted from the beans. If its ground too finely, a lot of the fine ground 'dust' will pass through the mesh plunger and will muddy the coffee. It will also lead to over-extraction make the coffee very bitter and strong. If the coffee is too coarse, then not enough flavour will be extracted, resulting in weak, thin coffee. A bit like Goldilocks, the grind of coffee needs to be 'just right'!
It’s preferable to buy whole beans and grind as you use them. Once the coffee has been ground, the oils are released with exposure to oxygen over time, the oils will begin to oxidize and lose their depth of flavour. If you do have to buy coffee that is ready-ground, or you must grind a large batch at once, make sure you store in an air-tight container to preserve the freshness as much as possible. 

 How much coffee to use?
Generally speaking, you want to use about ½-1 tablespoon of ground coffee per cup (or one of the standard coffee scoops). For example, I have an 8-cup Bodum Kenya coffee pot (www.bodum.com), and I use 4 scoops of ground coffee. Obviously, you can add more or less to taste.

One of the most important parts of brewing coffee in a cafétière is the quality of the water and the temperature.
Filtered or bottled water is best. Tap water contains different chemicals and minerals (like chlorine) that can have a huge effect on the flavour of the coffee. Always make sure you fill your kettle with fresh, cold water. Re-boiled water as it has lost a lot of the oxygen content which will greatly effect the extraction  process.
The ideal temperature of the water for brewing coffee is between 195-200oF (90-93oC). After the water has boiled, let it sit for a minute or so to let it cool slightly. You never want to pour boiling water directly onto the grounds because you’ll actually burn the oils, making the coffee taste bitter.

TIP! Pour the hot water over the back of a spoon as you’re pouring into the cafétière. This will help prevent the grounds from being scorched!

If the water wasn’t at the right temperature, you’ll know once you’ve had your first sip! If your coffee tastes bitter, or slightly ‘thick’ on your tongue, chances are that the water was too hot – the oils have probably been scorched or the coffee has been over-extracted. It could also be that the coffee was too finely ground and you’re drinking up some sediment.
On the other hand, if your coffee tastes a bit flat or thin and watery, then it’s likely that your water wasn’t hot enough or the grind of coffee was too coarse to draw out all those lovely delicious flavours.

      Holding in the goodness - Heat retention
Another crucial thing to consider is heat retention. Coffee begins to lose its taste as it cools. Because cafétières are generally made of glass, heat is lost quite quickly. By wrapping your cafétière with a Couva (www.couva.co.uk*), the coffee remains at the optimal brewing temperature for longer, allowing for all of the delicious flavours and oils to be extracted during brewing.

TIP! It is very  important to wrap your Couva BEFORE pouring in the water! I don’t want anyone scalding themselves by trying to get the Couva in place once the hot water is in the cafétière!
Once it’s been plunged, the coffee will stay at the optimal drinking temperature for longer, preventing rapid flavour loss.

Tick Tock! Brewing Time!
The average recommended brewing time is around 4 minutes. However, the length of time the coffee brews will have an effect on the taste – the longer the grinds are in contact with the water, the stronger the coffee.
 So, vary your brewing time according to how strong you like your brew.
Then take the PLUNGE and enjoy!!

The Couva Coffee Couture steps for 
great cafétière coffee

Step 1. Wrap your Couva* around your cafétière.
Step 2. Use about ½-1 tablespoon or 1 coffee scoop of ground coffee per cup. For example, if you have a  medium 8-cup cafétière, you’ll need about 4 scoops of ground coffee.
Step 3. Boil some freshly drawn cold water (filtered or bottled if you can). Once the water has boiled, let it sit for about a minute. This allows it to cool slightly, preventing the coffee grinds from getting scalded.  Pour the hot water onto the coffee.
Step 4. Stir and let the coffee brew for about 4 minutes (depending on how strong you like your brew).
Step 5. Gently press on the plunger.
Step 6. Pour and enjoy! Thanks to Couva, your coffee will stay at the optimal drinking temperature for longer! 

*Our online store will be up and running soon! If you want more information about where to get a Couva of your own, please email me at Emily@couva.co.uk

Monday, 8 October 2012

The Happy Hundred Hooray!

As an entrepreneur with a new start-up company, I take great pleasure in the smallest of accomplishments... like ordering business cards (which make the company feel really real!) and having the beginnings of the website started (www.couva.co.uk). 
It really is the little things that give a boost to keep momentum going, to push forwards and keep striving for success. 

Today I'm celebrating the first quantifiable milestone for Couva...

 I've sold the first hundred Couvas! 

It feels so satisfying after the years of making them by hand, and the recent hard work to bring them to a larger market that they are slowly gaining momentum. 

Happy Hundred Couva! 

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

I love coffee...

It goes without saying that I love coffee... the morning just isn't complete without it.
But there are certain times when the "caffeine" question creeps into my mind...is there such thing as too much of a good thing?!

I found a lovely article about the health benefits of coffee (from JoAnn Bayus over on www.mindbodygreen.com).

  • Coffee is jam-packed full of antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body;
  • It has been shown to have protective effects to liver damage for those people at high risk of liver disease (in a study by A. Klasky of Kaiser Permanente’s Division of Research);
  •  Drinking coffee has been linked to reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes and reducing mortality rates associated with heart attacks;
    And it's good for brain function!
  • Coffee has been proven to improve memory and reflexes, according to Tyler Graham and Dr. Drew Ramsay (authors of The Happiness Diet). 
  • Coffee has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and depression, as well as increasing mental focus and alertness.
Image: blog.seattlecoffeegear.com

    Hints and tips for getting the most from your brew:

  • Don't mask the goodness of the coffee with loads of sugar, cream, and other things that detract from the delicious flavour or health benefits. 
  • Choose the best quality coffee you can. Choose organic if possible as they will be free from pesticides and nasties.
  • Enjoy coffee as part of a healthy lifestyle of good food, exercise and positive thinking. But do remember there CAN be too much of a good thing! 

I feel that I can be smugly confident that my morning ritual is actually good for my body as well as the soul!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Top Drawer London 2012

I'm still catching my breath from the Top Drawer weekend (and recovering from the nasty cold I caught!)... Who knew that all the hard work began AFTER the show was done! 
All joking aside, it was a terrific experience and I met some great people.
Here are the photos to prove it! 

 I've also learned a great deal - next year will be bigger and better. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Coming down from the Top Drawer high!

Top Drawer was the official launch of Couva, and it exceeded all of my expectations... The response was overwhelmingly positive. People seemed to LOVE the branding and the packaging concept - a HUGE thank you to Alex and co. at Family (&Friends) (www.familyandfriends.uk.com). Also a HUGE thank you to Irenee and Kevin for your support and help throughout the show - couldn't have done it without you! 
 People seemed very responsive to the simplicity of the idea, and particularly seemed to be drawn to the warmth of the product (no pun intended!). 
A few people also mentioned how nice it was to see a new, innovative product at the show, and how Couva was different than anything they'd seen like it before... Can't expect anything better than that!! 

Thanks to the success of the show, Couva will soon be stocked at a number of retailers across the England, Scotland and Ireland.

Look for Couva very soon in a shop near you!

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Introducing Couva Coffee Couture

Couva Coffee Couture is a range of stylish ware for your cafetiere! 



Please come and visit us this weekend at the Top Drawer show at the London Olympia (Sept. 16, 17, & 18) - we'd love to see you! 

For more information: 


Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Mind the gap!

As I'm working through the final preparations for Top Drawer, I asked my darling husband for his thoughts on my leaflets. I've been working and reworking the slogans and wording to make sure that I get them just right. After looking them over, he agreed that they didn't read quite right, and subsequently offered his own suggestion. 

"Your stylish coffee wrap, 
now go enjoy a bap, 
avoid the gap, 
keeps away the clap, 
cleans in a snap, 
a warm fill for your trap, 
avoid coffee that is crap"


I'm not sure that its quite the image I'm going for, nor is it very catchy, but it certainly put a smile on my face! 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Crunch time!


The Top Drawer trade show is 12 days away, and there is still so much to do at 
Couva HQ before we launch to the world. 
All sorts of things are in their final stages - samples, labels, leaflets, business cards, signs, tables, chairs...
 Am I forgetting anything?

I am currently feeling a bit like Santa Claus - I'm make a list  and checking it twice (or about a hundred lists and checking them about two hundred times!!). I just hope that I don't forget anything too crucial on the day. 
Coming from a psychology background, prepping for this show is unlike anything I've ever done before. 

I want my stand to look amazing - stylish, trendy and cool, but inviting and approachable. I want my products to look amazing, enticing people to come and see them up close. And I want to convince all the buyers out there that Couva is THE best, most fashionable cafetiere cover on the market, and their customers will LOVE them!

I truly cannot wait to get some product feedback from industry experts as Couva has been my little pet project for many years now. I almost feel like a mother sending her child off to school for the first time (well, I DO feel like that in my home life because I am sending my son off to school for the first time tomorrow!). 

As you can guess, I'm feeling a lot of emotions - stress, anxiety, nervousness, anticipation, apprehension, uncertainty, but most of all excitement. Now, all I need to do is channel all of these feelings into getting everything done!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Top Drawer London 1 month away!!

Top Drawer London - The UK's leading event for design-led gifts, lifestyle & fashion accessories

With only one month to go until Couva makes its worldwide debut at Top Drawer London, I have to be honest, I'm starting to feel the pressure. 
There seems to be so much to do, so much to think about, and not enough hours in the day. I have to remind myself what a great experience and opportunity this show is going to be for my business. I'm hoping to meet some really interesting people and to learn loads so that I can move Couva from strength to strength.
I would be lying if my I said that I was only in it to learn... Let's be honest here! Ultimately, I'm hoping to get Couva and the great range of cafetiere fashionware into some fab retail outlets. 

Back to the grindstone! Only a month left to get all the pieces in place and then let the products speak for themselves! 

If you're near and want to stop by to see us, we'd love to see you! 

We'll be at Top Drawer London (http://www.topdrawer.co.uk/
Stand A112a at the London Olympia on the 16th, 17th, & 18th of September! 
Hope to see you there! 

Friday, 3 August 2012

Couva website up and running...

Although its a bit rough and ready, the Couva website has been launched!!
We now have our own little home on the world wide web.

Coming This Autumn
Contact info@couva.co.uk for more information

The site is currently under construction, and will become the source for all information about Couva Coffee Couture products as well as some information tidbits about how to make the most out of your cafetiere coffee experience.

Beautiful new company logo

After many months of working with some incredible designers (Derek and Alex at www.familyandfriends.uk.com/), the company logo is ready.
I think it is the perfect embodiment of the Couva brand: 
 striking yet simple, classy yet current, beautiful and timeless. 

(*and for anyone thinking of nicking any of the branding - back off! Trademarking is under way!)

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Pop Up Britain

I popped into "Pop Up Britain" (www.startupbritain.org/popup/) on the Richmond High Street yesterday. It's a brilliant concept put together by Startup Britain (www.startupbritain.org) and Enterprise Nation (www.enterprisenation.com).

They've set up a temporary shop which allows small enterprises occupy the space for 2 weeks at a time. At the moment, they have some great businesses in there - a cycling clothing line, a social enterprise that makes bags, a beautiful jewellery designer, a high-end shirt and jumper clothing line, and an line of beautiful wall art (my fav!).

It's a fantastic opportunity for start-up businesses to get into a retail space - and not just have their products in a store, but also have a chance for the entrepreneurs to meet their customers and learn more about the needs & wants of the consumers.
Its also a great opportunity for consumers to support emerging businesses right from a high street location. I'd say its a 'win win' concept!

Hopefully there will be more of these 'popping' up around other parts of Britain... and hopefully Couva will be showcasing in one in the not-too-distant future!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Couva coming soon....

After many years in development, Couva Coffee Couture is nearly ready to launch! 

More details will be revealed in the coming weeks, but for now I'll be provide account of putting the final pieces of the plan together in preparation for Top Drawer, the UK's leading leading event for showcasing design-led gifts, fashion, & lifestyle accessories. 

It takes place at the London Olympia on September 16-18, 2012 and, to quote the website (www.topdrawer.co.uk), Top Drawer is bringing together "over 700 collections from the leaders in UK and international design". I guess that includes me!!

I'm incredibly nervous but incredibly excited ... This is what I've been working for all this time. There is so much to do in the few short weeks ahead but I've got some incredible people around me who I can count on to make this show a great success, and to launch Couva Coffee Couture to a very  exciting future. 

In light of all that I've been doing, thinking, worrying about lately, I think have found the ideal mantra for the coming weeks: